Christmas Coloring Contests Underway!
2 Versions:
Age 13 and Up
Download the coloring pages here!
We are running both coloring contests through December 19, 2021!
Children's Coloring Contest Instructions:
To enter, download the children's coloring sheet, take a photo and email it to maryharkins@belstramilling.com along with the child's name and age (1 submission per person).
Heinold Feeds Children's Prize Packs will be awarded to the winner of each of the 3 age categories:
- 0-5
- 6-8
- 9-12
The winners will be selected by Heinold Feeds and there will be bonus grading if the full page is colored.
Coloring Contest Ages 13 and Up Instructions:
To enter, download the 13 and up coloring sheet, take a photo and email it to maryharkins@belstramilling.com along with the your name (1 submission per person). There will be 2 winners selected by Heinold Feeds for Prize Packs and there will be bonus grading if the full page is colored.